OMG! I just heard a report that indicates that those who eat a lot of chocolate might be depressed, but they don't know if the chocolate causes the depression or if depressed people crave chocolate. This is terrible, terrible news. I can take making $60,000 a year less. I can deal with not having taken an fun vacation in over 4 years. Even the idea of cutting out pedicures. But give up chocolate? No way is that ever happening. Don't these scientists know that we women depend on chocolate to breathe?
Everyone seems so darn mad these days: White middle aged men are pissed about losing their jobs. Women are crushed that they have to give up their dream house because their husband lost his job. Kids are bitching about not having the latest electronic do-dad that costs 500 bucks or the latest digital camera.(I offered a used laptop to a young friend and before she would even consider it she wanted to know "what it looked like....") Holy Moses! I actually have three cameras in the garage that no one will take because they are out-of-date. Why the revolutionary Kindle might be obsolete now because of that newest device. The eco-friendly cars are killing people and they want to charge us for taking our purses onto the plane.I can't keep up.
Actually all I want is my chocolate! I am over optimum weight and I know it, but if the big one (I live in earthquake country right over a small fault known as the Rose Canyon Fault) hits I want to have a mouthful of chocolate to ease the horror. I've had cancer twice and for years worried frantically about what I ate. I got cancer anyway. I worried about taking artificial hormones and getting breast cancer, so I cold-turkey stopped hormones and suffered through a nutty menopause. I got the breast cancer anyway. So what is my lifestyle point?
Enjoy your day. Buy fresh flowers. Go out for coffee even though it is cheaper to make it at home. Smile and stay up as late as you want. Pet your dogs and let them sleep with you if you want to. Kiss your significant other with a long, wet smoldering kiss. Listen to the music that your kids think is corny. Life is unpredictable and we can't waste any more time. And buy some chocolate.
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